


Large flow electric lubrication pump device

Large flow electric lubrication pump device

This series of electric lubrication pump device is suitable for single and double line dry thin oil centralized lubrication system with high lubrication frequency, large pipe length and dense lubrication points, as a conveying device to supply grease Can

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Product Introduction


This series of electric lubrication pump device is suitable for single and double line dry thin oil centralized lubrication system with high lubrication frequency, large pipe length and dense lubrication points, as a conveying device to supply grease. It can also be equipped with mobile car, hose, oil gun and cable composed of mobile electric lubrication pump device, which is suitable for low lubrication frequency, less lubrication point, large oil supply, not easy to use single equipment of centralized lubrication, mobile grease lubrication.
This series of lubrication pump is electric high pressure plunger type. The working pressure can be adjusted freely within the nominal pressure range, with double overload protection. The oil storage drum is equipped with an automatic oil level alarm device. If the lubrication pump is equipped with an electrical control box, the automatic control of the two-line centralized lubrication system can be realized, and the monitoring of the system can be realized.

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